Discover printables, videos, tools, tips and guides to inspire giving and make a positive impact. Explore the materials available!

Caring Never Gets Old: Memories of an Elephant

Under the Mascot

Join Sharity and his friends on their adventures to advocate the spirit of caring and sharing towards one another, their peers and in the community. Watch the 16-episode animation series and learn how you can care deeply for and share freely with others!

Supporting a Person with Mental Health Condition


Being there for someone with mental health conditions doesn’t have to be frightening or awkward. Here are 8 tips to consider:

  1. Be present.

  2. Establish trust.

  3. Listen attentively and without judgement.

  4. Do not be dismissive of the person’s sharing or actions. Allow the person time and space to explain how they are feeling and what he/she is going through.

  5. Don’t be quick to offer solutions. Instead offer care and support.

  6. Read up about different mental health conditions to better understand what the person is going through.

  7. Encourage the person to seek help. Try saying “I appreciate you sharing the struggles you are going through. I was wondering if you have considered seeking help from a counsellor or a doctor.”

  8. Give persons with mental health conditions the same level of respect and dignity you would to anyone else.

Seek Help Early


If you suspect you or a loved one is facing mental health challenges, talk to someone about it. You can speak to your school counsellors, or refer to our Resource Directory for services available.

Better Support Peers and Loved Ones


  1. Become a Peer Supporter - contact your school's Office of Student Affairs.

  2. Equipping yourself with mental health knowledge or join a support group to take better care of your mental health.

Be the Catalyst for Change 


Be a volunteer for mental health causes at 

For more information on the Beyond the Label campaign, follow Beyond the Label’s FacebookInstagram and YouTube pages.

If you or anyone you know is overwhelmed with stress or anxiety, find the help you need via Mindline. Take the first step to recovery by seeking help early.