Community Chest Awards

Community Chest Awards

The annual Community Chest Awards (CCA) honour organisations and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the social service sector through their philanthropic efforts.

The Awards have been designed to encourage more holistic caring and sharing. Beyond monetary donations, Community Chest partners who embrace inclusive employment practices, as well as contribute their time and skills to benefit the disadvantaged will be recognised.

By honouring these contributions, we hope to inspire others to create meaningful impact. To see the current award winners, visit the CCA 2024.

Award Categories

Partners are recognised under the following categories: 

Significant Monetary Contributions From All Sources: The Charity Awards are presented to organisations and individuals who have made significant donations to Community Chest.

These donations include outright donations, funds raised from events and contributions through SHARE, Community Chest’s monthly giving programme.

Eligibility Criteria

The Charity Awards invite organisations and individuals to participate based on specific donation thresholds. The various tiers of Charity Awards are:

Award Type

Contribution Amount

Charity Platinum

$300,000 and above

Charity Gold

$200,000 to $299,999

Charity Silver

$100,000 to $199,999

Charity Bronze

$50,000 to $99,999

Holistic Caring: The Pinnacle Award is the highest honour given by Community Chest to recognise an organisation exemplary in holistic caring, and is a role model in all three aspects:

  • Giving of donations

  • Volunteering and/or making non-monetary contributions

  • Embracing inclusive employment practices

Eligibility Criteria

The Pinnacle Partner Award may be nominated by a third party with the consent of the organisation, or by application/self-nominations.

  1. The nominee must be eligible for a Charity Award or SHARE Award.

  2. The nominee must be eligible for a Volunteer Partner Award or Enabler Award, and the Secretariat must have received the nominee’s nomination form for either Award by the closing date.

  3. The organisation must embrace inclusive employment practices, and some measures include:

    • Hiring of persons with disabilities or persons with mental health conditions

    • Policies or practices implemented to facilitate the hiring and integration of these staff

    • Procurement of products or services provided by social service agencies or social enterprises

High SHARE Participation Growth Rate: From CCA 2025 onwards, the revised SHARE Award recognises organisations with employees on SHARE, with a focus on highest growth in SHARE contribution and will be awarded to the top 10 public agencies and top 10 corporates with the highest growth rates.

Eligibility Criteria

The SHARE Award may be nominated by a third party with the consent of the organisation, or by application/self-nominations.

  1. The nominee must have in place, for at least one year, the SHARE programme which allows its employees to give regularly.

  2. The nominee must have shown significant growth in its employees SHARE contributions compared to the previous year, in terms of percentage growth and/or in terms of absolute amount.

Organisations with participation rates 80% or higher will still receive certificates and honourable mentions at CCA luncheons.

Regular Volunteerism: The Volunteer Partner Award serves to recognise exemplary organisations for their regular volunteerism efforts in service-based, skills-based and/or event-based volunteerism, with demonstrated outcomes to benefit social service agencies and/or service users.

Eligibility Criteria

The Volunteer Partner Award may be nominated by a third party with the consent of the organisation, or by application/self-nominations.

  1. The nominee must have in place a regular volunteerism scheme, either service-based, skills-based and/or event-based*, with demonstrated outcomes.

  2. The nominee must have:

    • displayed sustained commitment to the social service agency and supported its staff to volunteer regularly, and

    • significantly contributed to strengthening the capabilities of the social service agency or quality of life of service users.

  3. The nominee must have volunteered with a social service agency that is a member of the National Council of Social Service, and the social service agency must be supportive of the nomination.

*Service-based volunteering – Volunteers typically serve social service users in an existing programme provided by the social service agency on a regular basis.

Skills-based volunteering – Organisations or individuals offer their specialised skills and talents to a social service agency to complete a volunteering commitment. It could be in any area, e.g., accountancy, IT or marketing, etc.

Event-based volunteering – Volunteers support through activities such as fundraising or providing an experience to service users (e.g., bringing them out for an outing).

Significant Non-Monetary Contributions: The Enabler Award recognises organisations and individuals who have offered their talents and/or resources to benefit the social service sector through Community Chest initiatives.

Eligibility Criteria

The Enabler Award may be nominated by a third party with the consent of the organisation, or by application/self-nominations.

  1. The nominee must have made significant non-monetary contributions, which resulted in substantial cost savings or multiplier effect in outreach or fundraising efforts achieved for Community Chest.

  2. The contribution towards addressing social needs can be made by the nominee through their resources, talent, expertise and network including but not limited to the following:

    • Offering media assets and resources such as digital/social media/advertising platforms (e.g., print ads, broadcast ads, out-of-home ads, etc.)

    • Mobilising and connecting people/organisations/partners to support Community Chest in Signature Events, special fundraising projects, etc.

Rallying Customers Towards Giving Through Daily Spending: The Change For Charity (CFC) Innovation Award aims to encourage corporates to rally their customers to contribute to the collective impact of giving through daily spending via CFC initiative. Awards will be given to Top 3 organisations who have embedded in their business model, innovative ways to allow daily giving by their customers, with demonstrated outcomes.

Eligibility Criteria

The CFC Innovation Award may be nominated by a third party with the consent of the organisation, or by application/self-nominations. 

  1. The nominee must be a Community Chest CFC partner and has displayed sustained commitment to maintain and expand CFC initiatives as part of their philanthropic journey.

  2. The nominee has put in place innovative ways to allow daily giving by its customers, expressed in various ways including but not limited to:

    • Improving Consumer Awareness about Collective Impact

    • Training and engagement of employees to advocate and support the CFC initiative

  3. The nominees will be evaluated based on:

    • 50% weightage on how innovation is articulated and integrated into the business model

    • 50% weightage on total contributions raised

Eligible organisations may be nominated for the Pinnacle Award, SHARE Award, Volunteer Partner Award, Enabler Award or CFC Innovation Award. Organisations can self-nominate or be nominated by an external partner. If nominating an external organisation, please ensure you have informed them and obtained their consent before completing the application.


For the Volunteer Partner Award, the social service agency(ies) benefitting from your volunteering efforts must support the nomination and have no objections to any details related to their agency. A representative from the social service agency can confirm their support via email or by providing a digital signature on the nomination form.


Qualifying Period: Financial Year (1 April – 31 March).


Closing Period: The closing date varies each year. Please check the nomination forms for the relevant participating year.  

Please complete the applicable nomination forms:

Nominations for CCA 2024 are now closed. Forms for CCA 2025 will be available when applications open in 2025.


Note that only one submission per organisation is allowed.


For enquiries, please contact your designated Community Chest liaison officer or email:


All nominations will be evaluated by the Community Chest Awards Committee, and their decisions are final.

  1. How many winners are there for each award?


    • For the revised SHARE awards - top 10 public agencies and top 10 private organisations with the highest growth in SHARE contributions compared to the previous year will be awarded. 
    • For the new CFC Innovation award - top 3 organisations based on innovative ways and total value contributions raised will be awarded, with 50% weightage in each criteria.
    • For the others (Enabler Award, Volunteer Partner Award, Pinnacle Award)  - should there be a strong showing of outstanding nominations, Community Chest is open to conferring this Award to more than one recipient.
  2. Can I combine with other units in my organisation to be recognised for an award?

    Contributions from various units within the same organisation can be consolidated to showcase your organisation’s collective efforts for greater impact. The approach to be consolidated should hold for a minimum of 3 years. 
  3. What is the qualifying period for SHARE?

    The qualifying period for SHARE is the respective Financial Year (1 April – 31 March). 
  4. What is the CFC Innovation Award?

    It is a new award for businesses that aims to make giving part of everyday living by integrating innovative ways of giving as part of their business models, where customers can contribute charity dollars at point of sale.


    Organisations will be judged based on the innovative ways giving was integrated into their business model and the contributions raised. There will be a judging panel to review and evaluate the nominations, guided by:


    • Innovative integration
    • Sustainable commitment
    • Consumer awareness about collective impact through CFC
    • Employee engagement in CFC

  5. Why is there a need to revise the award criteria for SHARE?

    This revision aims to recognise continued commitment and reward growth as organisations think more deeply about employee giving through SHARE, whether by deepening staff contributions or donation matching by organisations. 

  6. Why is there a need to apply for SHARE Award moving forward?

    Consistent with other Awards, interested organisations can apply to Community Chest to be considered for the respective Awards including SHARE. This application-based process also seeks to streamline verification and recognition.
  7. How do you determine the SHARE participation growth rate in the revised SHARE Award criteria?

    Organisations with the highest growth in SHARE contributions compared to the previous year, in terms of percentage growth and in terms of absolute amount, will be awarded. 
  8. Can my organisation get both SHARE awards in terms of (a) percentage growth and (b) absolute value amount?

    A qualifying organisation can only receive one SHARE award each year.  

  9. If my organisation’s SHARE participation rate is between 50.1% to 79.9%, does it mean that my organisation will no longer be recognised and awarded during Community Chest Award?

    Community Chest will recognise organisations with a participation rate of 80% or higher through certificates and honorable mentions at the CCA luncheon. We encourage organisations to work towards achieving these benchmarks through increasing and deepening their contributions as an advocacy for Sustainable Philanthropy.

  10. With the switch to application, my organisation would only have SHARE payroll data. What about SHARE donations via other modes such as credit cards and giro bank transfer?
    In this new process, organisations will have to work with their employees directly for information relating to their SHARE contributions via credit cards and GIRO contributions.