About Us
What is Community Chest? What is the difference between NCSS and Community Chest?
Do all the donations go to the social service agencies which Community Chest supports?
Where can I get information on how the donations through Community Chest were used?
Does Community Chest solicit funds through door-to-door donations?
Does Community Chest engage Commercial Fund-raisers to conduct fundraising on their behalf?
Making Donations
Will Community Chest issue me a tax deductible receipt for my donation?
Do I need the tax deductible receipts when I submit the annual tax assessment forms?
Giving Tips
How will my donations to Community Chest be used to help those in need?
Do I have to make a contribution when I receive direct mail appeals with accompanied "gifts"?
If I do not wish to give money, what other ways can I give to social service agencies?
I have unclaimed prizes that I wish to donate to Community Chest. How can I go about doing this?
About Us
What is Community Chest? What is the difference between NCSS and Community Chest?
Community Chest is the philanthropy and engagement arm of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), which is the national co-ordinating body for social service agencies in Singapore.
The National Council of Social Service (the “Council”) was established as a statutory body on 1 May 1992 under the National Council of Social Service Act (Chapter 195A amended in September 2000) (the “Act”) and is domiciled in Singapore. The registered office of the Council and principal place of operations is at NCSS Centre, Ulu Pandan Community Building, 170 Ghim Moh Road #01-02, Singapore 279621.
The NCSS Charitable Fund was established on 1 May 2003, as an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) under the Charities Act (Chapter 37) and comprises all the charitable activities of NCSS, including the Community Chest.Is Community Chest a government body?
Whilst Community Chest is the philanthropy and engagement arm of NCSS, it is raising funds on behalf of the social service agencies in the social service sector. 100% of the funds raised are used to support the social service agencies in carrying out their programmes, which bring benefits to the people they serve. Community Chest is also led by a Committee that comprises volunteers.Is Community Chest a social service agency?
Community Chest is the philanthropy and engagement arm of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). Community Chest supports over 200 critical programmes empowering children with special needs and youth-at-risk, adults with disabilities, persons with mental health conditions, and seniors and families in need of support.
100% of your donations to Community Chest will go towards supporting communities-in-need, as Community Chest’s fundraising and operating costs are covered mainly by Tote Board.Do all the donations go to the social service agencies which Community Chest supports?
Yes, every dollar raised goes to the social service agencies under Community Chest.Where can I get information on how the donations through Community Chest were used?
Community Chest releases an annual Impact Report, which captures the total funds raised and disbursed as well as the total number of programmes supported. You can refer to the latest impact report.Who covers the operating costs of Community Chest?
Our fundraising and operating costs are covered mainly by Tote Board.Does Community Chest solicit funds through door-to-door donations?
No, Community Chest does not solicit funds through door-to-door donations. A House to House and Street Collections permit is required for any door-to-door fund-raising activity. This is issued by the Singapore Police Force or the National Council of Social Service (for its members only). You may search for approved fund-raising activities via the links:Singapore Police Force - House to House and Street Collection
Search for the Agency name on Charity Portal.
Should anyone approach you for a donation, you may request for him/ her to show you a copy of the Collector's Certificate of Authority (CCA). The CCA must reflect the collector's name, NRIC, the approval number, the organization that they are fundraising for and/ or fundraising mode (e.g. Flag day, selling of merchandise, etc).Does Community Chest engage Commercial Fund-raisers to conduct fundraising on their behalf?
No, Community Chest does not engage Commercial Fund-raisers to conduct fundraising activities on behalf of the organisation. Members of the Public who are approached by Commercial Fund-raisers for the solicitation of donations can refer to The Charities Act Code to understand the practices and standards, and to ensure they receive the necessary information and respect without having to face undue pressure to donate.
If in doubt of any Commercial Fund-raiser’s claims, members of the public are advised to request for a copy of the Commercial Fund-raiser’s Collector’s Certificate of Authority (CCA) issued to the charity under the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) or the House to House and Street Collections Fund-raising License issued by the Singapore Police Force.
Making Donations
What are the modes of donation to Community Chest and how do I make a donation via these different modes?
Please see the full list of ways you may donate to us.Can I give anonymously?
Yes. All social service agencies honour anonymous donations. Specify your desire to remain anonymous, and the social service agencies will respect your request.Is it safe to donate online via the Community Chest website?
Our website is secure and ensures the use of the latest technology to encrypt all information during data transmission. To verify that the page requesting your credit card information is secure, the letters “https” rather than “http” should precede the page's URL and/or there should be an unbroken key or padlock symbol located in the corner of the web browser.How much do I have to contribute?
You can donate whatever amount you can afford as there is no minimum amount required. Every dollar you give matters. Do note however, that there is a minimum amount of SGD$1 for online donations.If I make a donation, am I entitled to tax deductions? Are there instances where my donations are not entitled for tax deductions?
As a general rule, all outright cash donations given by individuals or corporations to social service agencies with tax deductible status will be entitled to tax deductions. To continue encouraging Singaporeans to give back to the community, the Minister for Finance announced in Budget 2023 that the 250% tax deduction for qualifying deductions will be extended for another three years until 31 December 2026. Therefore, if you give $100 to a social service agency, you will be entitled to tax deduction for the amount of $250.
For more information, please refer to IRAS website.
Outright cash donations made to us are also tax deductible. However, this only applies when your donation does not reward you in a material way. For example, lucky draw tickets and charity auction donation (up to the market value of the auction item) do not qualify for tax deductions.
If you are an individual donor, you may also wish to note that the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) now automatically acknowledges the tax deductible status of your donations if the social service agency submits your identification number to IRAS on your behalf. This means that you will not need the tax deductible receipts when submitting your annual tax assessment forms. For more information on social service agencies and donations, the IRAS website can provide you with more details.Will Community Chest issue me a tax deductible receipt for my donation?
Following every successful one-time online payment transaction, you should receive an e-receipt. Likewise, monthly credit card/ GIRO donors will receive a monthly e-receipt. For tax deduction purposes, Community Chest will submit to IRAS all donation details for donors with valid identification numbers. You are encouraged to provide your valid email address and identification number when making the donations.
Should you require additional information or would like to update mailing details or preferences, please email NCSS_ComChest@ncss.gov.sg for Community Chest-related donations, or PC_enquiry@ncss.gov.sg for donations towards President’s Challenge. Alternatively, you may also call us at 6210 2500.Do I need the tax deductible receipts when I submit the annual tax assessment forms?
No. If you provide your identification number when you make a donation to us, we will help you make the submission to IRAS. This means that you will not need the tax deductible receipts when submitting your annual tax assessment forms.If you are an individual donor, you may also wish to note that the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) now automatically acknowledges the tax deductible status of your donations if the social service agency submits your identification number to IRAS on your behalf.
What is CCIP?
CCIP refers to Corporate Community Involvement Programme. It involves the giving of corporate resources, time, knowledge and influence to enhance the well-being of individuals and communities in need. Contact us at ncss_comchest@ncss.gov.sg to know more about CCIP.
Giving Tips
Which social service agency should I support?
With the large number of social service agencies registered in Singapore, you should choose the social service agency that is right for you. Take time to find an agency that does good work in a field that is important to you, whether it serves children with special needs and youth-at-risk, adults with disabilities, seniors or families in need of support or persons with mental health conditions.
If you have questions on whether the agency soliciting for your donations is authorised, request for written information that includes their mission and what they do. Your favourite social service agency should be able to provide certain information upon request, including- Financial statements that have been audited by an independent accountant
- An annual report / activity report that includes a list of the board of directors; the audited financial statements or comprehensive summary, and a description of services they provide
- A statement of functional expenses, explaining expenditure details such as rent, postage, salaries, fundraising, management and general expenses
- A projected budget for the coming year
- Financial statements that have been audited by an independent accountant
How do I get information on a social service agency?
You can ensure that a social service agency is legitimate if it has a formal registration with a legal authorisation body that incorporates its status as a charitable organisation. Some of these bodies include the Registry of Societies, the Registry of Companies and the Commissioner of Charities.
You can also approach National Council of Social Service (NCSS), the coordinating body for social service agencies in Singapore, for an informed opinion of its member organisations.
The Internet is also a great source of information and most social service agencies have websites with information on what programmes they run, how funds are allocated and how they fulfil their mission.How do I give?
Consider giving to legitimate social service agencies that make it their responsibility to manage your donations well. Such agencies attach a high value of accountability to their donors and will be open regarding the use of funds collected.
Community Chest, for example, publishes its financial statements in its annual report, selected collaterals and provides them to interested donors upon request.
Whether it is us or other social service agencies that you choose to give to, it is advisable to issue your donations by e-payment donations. Make certain that your donation is made payable to the name of the social service agency and not to an individual.
Besides outright donations, other ways of giving can include purchasing merchandise and donation draw tickets from established social service agencies for the purpose of fundraising.
You may also be approached on the streets for outright donations. Social service agencies do depend on such avenues to raise the necessary funds. However, you should not be pressured to give on the spot. If in doubt concerning the legitimacy of the fundraising activity, you may ask about the fundraising licence that fundraisers have to obtain to conduct street solicitations. You may also ask about the benefiting social service agencies.How will my donations to Community Chest be used to help those in need?
We raise funds to support over 100 social service agencies, allowing them to focus on caring for the individuals in need of support. 100% of your donations will go towards empowering the lives of:Adults with disabilities
Children with special needs and youth-at-risk
Families in need of assistance
Persons with mental health conditions
Seniors in need of support
We believe that all your donations should be used for real needs. Our fundraising cost is usually kept to 16% or less, of the total funds raised – significantly lower than the 30% guideline set by the Charities Unit for Institutions of A Public Character (IPCs).
We also ensure that the use of your donations is transparent, effective and efficient. That is why we establish various levels of guidelines and standards for the social service agencies to adhere, including Service Standards Requirements and Programme Evaluation System.Is it safe to give to social service agencies online?
It is good to make sure that the social servie agency's site has a secure server that uses encryption technology that ensures appropriate security of your personal and payment information.
To verify that the page requesting your credit card information is secure, the letters “https” rather than “http” should precede the page's URL and/or there should be an unbroken key or padlock symbol located in the corner of the web browser.Do I have to make a contribution when I receive direct mail appeals with accompanied "gifts"?
You need not feel obligated to give when you receive direct mail solicitations that come with greeting cards, stickers, calendars, key rings or other "gifts". Social service agencies do this to increase donations but you don't have to make a contribution to keep the "gifts". It is considered unethical for a social service agency to demand payment for any unordered merchandise.If I do not wish to give money, what other ways can I give to social service agencies?
Many social service agencies benefit from alternative forms of giving, besides donation of money. Volunteering your time and skills to help your community can be a rewarding experience. Most social service agencies welcome volunteers’ help in various ways. Find the volunteering opportunity that best suits your requirement. For donations-in-kind, social service agencies can benefit directly from your kind gesture. You may wish to select a social service agency from the list of NCSS member organisations to donate your gifts.I have unclaimed prizes that I wish to donate to Community Chest. How can I go about doing this?
Thank you for considering to donate your unclaimed prizes to us. From February 2017, as we will like NCSS member organisations to benefit directly from your unclaimed prizes, we will appreciate it if you can select a social service agency from the list of NCSS member organisations available on the NCSS website to contact and donate your gifts directly. We will not be receiving unclaimed prizes on behalf of our member organisations so more can be channelled directly and promptly to those who need them.