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Children’s Day Appeal turns 40!

Where Children Rally Around Communities in Need

In 2024, we commemorate the 40th milestone of the Children’s Day Appeal (CDA), symbolising four decades of its meaningful impact. Since its inception in 1984, the Children’s Day Appeal has stood as an annual beacon for fundraising efforts, advocating for children’s involvement, and rallying substantial support for communities in need.

Aligned with the Ministry of Education’s Values-in-Action Programme, this campaign encourages preschoolers and primary schools students to embrace the spirit of giving, fostering the essential values of compassion, respect, and empathy from an early age.

Our children are defined by their uniqueness. So are our beneficiaries.

100% of funds raised through Children’s Day Appeal go towards empowering the lives of adults with disabilities, children with special needs and youth-at-risk, families in need of assistance, persons with mental health conditions and seniors in need of support.

Find out more about the five causes supported by Community Chest.

Communities thrive when we’re Schooled to Give.

Meet Lucas, an avid dancer and student at APSN Chaoyang School which provides special education, vocational training and employment services for individuals with mild intellectual disability. Diagnosed with mild intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder from age 2, Lucas has since picked up emotional management and communication skills as well as nifty dance moves through the Autism Structured Programme at APSN Chaoyang.

With the support of his family, teachers, and therapists, Lucas has developed into a helpful, friendly, and respectful boy.

Interactive Class Activity

This year, to foster participation and a sense of unity with the wider community, students are invited to join in a discussion on social issues and their potential solutions, to lend even more meaning to this class activity, selected schools/students will stand a chance to win Sharity merchandise for our beneficiaries.

Resources for Teachers

Register your school for Children’s Day 2024 today!

CDA 2024 QR Code

Registrations open on 22 July
Scan the QR code or visit to register!

Each participating school can choose to receive either:

  • An individual donation envelope per student for cash donations; or
  • A customised PayNow QR code for the whole school valid for usage till 31 December 2024

Registrations close on 15 September
Email if you have any enquiries or further updates to the registered information.

Teaching kit available on 16 September

Delivery of donation envelopes and emailing of customised PayNow QR codes from 17 September onwards
The donation envelopes will be delivered to the school’s general office between 16 and 30 September, from 9am to 5pm (weekdays only). The envelopes will be addressed to the teacher-in-charge. The customised PayNow QR codes will also be emailed to the teacher-in-charge.

Kickstart your giving journey
Giving is for everyone – all of us can contribute in one way or another within our means. Schools may kickstart their giving journey upon receiving the donation envelopes and/or customised PayNow QR codes.

Collection of donation envelopes from 14 October onwards
A Form.Sg link will be emailed on a later date to all participating schools to select their preferred date and time of collection.


Maha Bodhi School 

Maha Bodhi School
In Maha Bodhi School, we reiterate the importance of ACE, short for “Being Aware. Care to make a difference. Express it in words and actions”. Apart from the Level VIA (Values in Action) Projects, pupils are involved in annual school-wide VIA Projects such as “Blessings From the Heart” where they learn to make a difference as they partake in the festive joy of Chinese New Year. Pupils voluntarily contribute money from their red packet collections for the three homes adopted by the school, namely Jamiyah Home for the Aged, Bright Hill Evergreen Home, and St Theresa’s Home. Another VIA Project that the pupils are involved in is the MBS Food Donation Drive. This year, the pupils donate food items for the beneficiaries of Food From the Heart and the senior residents in Kembangan-Chai Chee Division. 

Sharity aims to create a more inclusive society for all children and Maha Bodhi School is thankful for the opportunity to participate in the annual Children's Day Appeal (CDA) to raise funds for their various programmes and services it runs. CDA is aligned with the Ministry of Education's Values-In-Action (VIA) Programme, which is a Key Student Development Experience (SDE) that aims to nurture socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community, through the learning and application of values, knowledge, and skills. Encourage students to develop values such as Care, Respect, and Responsibility through community service. Care is a value that emphasises the importance of showing concern, empathy, and respect for others, and to act with kindness and compassion towards those around us. Respect emphasises the importance of treating others with dignity and consideration, regardless of differences in background, culture, or beliefs. Responsibility emphasises the importance of being accountable for one's actions, and to take ownership of one's learning, growth, and development. 

Each year, as part of the Children’s Day Celebration Programme, the school sets aside protected time for Form Teachers to conduct a lesson using the Sharity educational package and involve the pupils in a discussion so that they can gain a deeper understanding of the needs of others, the importance of helping them and how they can make a positive impact on their community. Pupils understand the challenges faced by children with disabilities, or those who may be socially isolated. They learn about how these children may face challenges to access education, healthcare, and other essential services. From the lesson, pupils develop empathy for others facing challenges that are different from their own and, at the same time, be inspired by the resilience of these children who overcame their challenges despite it all. This helps our pupils appreciate the diversity of their community and understand the importance of inclusivity. 

CDA is indeed a meaningful way for pupils to learn about the importance of their collective action in raising funds to contribute towards building a more inclusive and compassionate society for all children. 


Nanyang Primary School

Nanyang Primary School

Nanyang has been supporting Community Chest in its fund-raising efforts as it is aligned with the MOE’s VIA programme.  The Children’s Day appeal gave our students the opportunity to promote the well-being of children and youth from low-income families and those with special needs and disabilities in our society through their donations. 

Our students were engaged in the class interactive activity that aims to encourage them to help others and inculcate important values of compassion, respect and empathy.  The lesson and activity help our students better understand various community groups in Singapore i.e. adults with disabilities, children with special needs and youth-at-risk, families in need of assistance, persons with mental health conditions, and seniors in need of support

Giving is for everyone; all of us can continue in one way or another with our means. Through participating in this campaign, our students learn to understand that everyone plays a part in making our society a better place and can make a difference in promoting greater equality and social inclusion, which is an important value of the MOE VIA programme.