Our Stories
Your caring has given our social service users hope to live a life of dignity. Find out how each of their lives has been impacted and continue to share your joy with them.
Koh Kong Kuan
At AWWA Senior Community Home, Mr Koh overcame depression and loneliness, and now volunteers at the Home to support frail senior residents.
Mr Koh was happily married with three children and had a job he loved. However, his life took an unexpected turn when his second son passed away in a road accident. As a result, he fell into severe depression, which affected his relationship with his wife and children. Mr Koh and his wife eventually underwent a divorce.
After the divorce, Mr Koh rented a room and stayed alone, but soon found the rental fees financially challenging to maintain. He was recommended by a medical social worker to AWWA Senior Community Home, a programme supported by Community Chest, which gave him temporary but secure shelter. There, Mr Koh overcame his depression through new friendships and activities that kept him engaged. Today, he also volunteers to take frail residents for medical appointments and help them with grocery shopping.
Mr Koh’s unflagging spirit of volunteerism is buoyed by a strong sense of gratitude: “I am thankful to be able to stay at AWWA Senior Community Home. I received support when I needed it most, and I would like to pass on this kindness to help others.”

Find out more about other social service users that we support.