Our Stories

Your caring has given our social service users hope to live a life of dignity. Find out how each of their lives has been impacted and continue to share your joy with them.

Madam Thilagarani D/O Ayayu

SINDA assisted Madam Thilaga with transport to treatments, the family’s daily essentials and Sakthii’s educational needs.


Thrice-weekly kidney dialysis is just one of Mdm Thilaga’s challenges. She raises her daughter Sakthii with her husband who, like her, is unable to work due to his medical condition. Until 2022, she was also the primary caregiver of her late mother-in-law. SINDA’s Family Service Centre, supported by Community Chest, helps Mdm Thilaga cope with her challenges through counselling sessions and suitable job placements.


SINDA also assists with her transport to treatments, the family’s daily essentials and Sakthii’s educational needs. With the support, Mdm Thilaga and her husband have been able to remain positive and maintain a supportive and nurturing environment for their daughter.

Find out more about other social service users that we support.