Our Stories
Your caring has given our social service users hope to live a life of dignity. Find out how each of their lives has been impacted and continue to share your joy with them.
O Lay Hoon
Empowering parents like Lay Hoon to better help their children develop to their full potential.
Lay Hoon participated in the KidSTART Home Visitation programme.
First-time parents are often struck the hardest in times of uncertainty. Impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Lay Hoon and her husband were determined to rise above their challenges for the sake of their newborn son.
Being constantly away at work meant leaving their son to the care of Lay Hoon’s parents, where he had unlimited screen time and an allergy that was not fully understood. Lay Hoon realised that she had to make changes to the situation. However, balancing the responsibility of earning an income and spending time with their little one was a struggle.
Things started to look up for her when they participated in the KidSTART Home Visitation programme, a programme supported by Community Chest which works with lower-income families with young children. Lay Hoon journeyed with her Home Visitor who shared knowledge on child development, health and nutrition and how to better provide a safer environment for son to grow up in.
With the support from KidSTART, Lay Hoon and her husband now feel more confident as their son’s caregivers and empowered to face challenges ahead.
Find out more about other social service users we support.