We would like to inform you that our donation system is undergoing maintenance from 00:00 to 08:00 on 8 February 2025. If you wish to donate during the maintenance period, please visit our Community Chest page on Giving.sg.
We will be implementing additional measures for online transactions to strengthen the security of your online donations. Contact us at ncss_comchest@ncss.gov.sg or 6210 2500 should you have any enquiry.
Our Stories
Your caring has given our social service users hope to live a life of dignity. Find out how each of their lives has been impacted and continue to share your joy with them.
Quinntus Rae Soh
Quinntus did not speak until he was five. The aspiring illustrator now raises funds and creates awareness on autism through his art pieces.
Not many would believe Quinntus is the same boy he was just a few years ago. Quinntus was non-verbal until the age of five and was prone to aggression when approached by strangers. He was eventually diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Quinntus’ parents decided that he would need the necessary support and a suitable environment for him to thrive in his academics and daily living. He was enrolled into Metta School, a special education school supported by Community Chest. Since attending the school, Quinntus has become more expressive and capable of managing his temperament, and has also learned to empathise with and care for others. It was also there that Quinntus discovered his talent in art.
Quinntus prides himself in his art works and has sold his art pieces with the support from his mother, who printed them on t-shirts and put them up for sale online. The proceeds from the sale of the t-shirts were donated to Metta School.
“Creating art is my way to happiness. Mummy says I have special gifts, and Daddy says my art makes people happy, so this makes me happy.”
Find out more about other social service users we support.