Our Stories
Your caring has given our social service users hope to live a life of dignity. Find out how each of their lives has been impacted and continue to share your joy with them.
Sandra Chuah Bee Hwa
Widowed and living alone, Mdm Sandra Chuah found friendship and bereavement support through Wicare Support Group. She now provides the same support to other seniors in their journey through grief.
Mdm Sandra Chuah and her late husband were best friends, and business partners. After the passing of her husband, Mdm Chuah felt that she had lost an integral part of herself. Grappling with uncertainty and pain, she realised that she needed support to help cope with her grief.
Mdm Chuah joined Wicare Support Group, a social service agency supported by Community Chest that empowers senior women and widows of all ages to cope with the loss of a spouse. There, she attended WiSHINE group therapy and counselling, where she immediately connected with new friends who were going through similar experiences. Gradually, Mdm Chuah found confidence to embark on her new phase of life.
Today, Mdm Chuah is a key organiser of group events and outings for Wicare members. She believes it is now her turn to help other widowed women find closure and strength to move on in life.
Find out more about other social service users that we support.