Guide to Grant Claims

Guide to Grant Claims

Grant call application opens in May and November, whereas the grant claim window is in April and October.

TimelineGrant Call
May / November
  • Submit application here (grant call window is currently closed)
May – June /
November – December
  • Applications will be processed (those with incomplete information will be rejected).
  • It will take about 3 months to process the application.
  • You will be notified whether the application has been approved.
TimelineGrant Claim
April / October
  • Eligible applicants with balance grant claim amount will be separately notified to submit your application. (Grant claim window is currently closed)


May – June /
November – December
  • Applications will be processed. (those with incomplete information will be rejected)
 January – February 
  • Social service agencies with approved applications will receive the Payment Advice via email, informing the estimated date of grant disbursement.