Sharity™ Befriending Sessions
Sharity is back to join his preschool friends to care deeply and share freely again! Team Sharity, together with Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) and Muscular Dystrophy Association Singapore (MDAS), will be enriching
pre-schoolers’ caring and sharing journey through virtual befriending sessions under the ‘Start Small Dream Big’ initiative by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) . During the befriending sessions, pre-schoolers
will get to interact and make new friends with seniors in eldercare facilities and persons with disabilities!
Two e-Infokits, have also been developed to equip educators with information on planning and implementing
activities. A section on virtual facilitation is included as well!
“Befriending Seniors: An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Intergenerational Ties”,
developed by Agency for Integrated Care and Community Chest Singapore, is now available for download.
"Befriending Persons with Disabilities: An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Disability Awareness”, developed by Community Chest, is now available for download.
Kindsville Times Junior & Adventures – Sep/Oct 2022 (Primary 1 to 4 students)
Care & Share Contest: Caring and sharing can take place in many forms! Share with us an artwork of what caring and sharing looks like to you and stand a chance to win a Sharity Hero Collectable!
Sharity Giving Journal: Embark on a journey of giving with Sharity & Friends this school holiday and engage in acts of sharing with those around you.
Agency of Kindness – Sep/Oct 2022 (Primary 5 to 6 students)
Care & Share Contest: Caring and sharing can take place in many forms! Share with us an artwork of what caring and sharing looks like to you and stand a chance to win a Sharity Hero Collectable!
Sharity Giving Journal: Embark on a journey of giving with Sharity & Friends this school holiday and engage in acts of sharing with those around you.
Kindsvilles Times Junior – April 2022 Issue (Primary 1 to 2 students)
Let’s care and share every day of the week with Sharity & Friends! Fill the Good Deeds Calendar with acts caring and sharing that you would like to do for your loved ones. Download the Good Deeds Calendar!
Kindsvilles Times Junior – April 2022 Issue (Primary 3 to 4 students)
Looking for more ways to spread the spirit of giving and uplift others through acts of caring and sharing? Try out this game of “Connect Five Good Deeds” with your family and friends! Download the “Connect Five Good Deeds” activity.
In partnership with Ministry of Education Character and Citizenship Education branch, we hope to embark on this meaningful journey of Family Time with Sharity™ with the Primary 1 & 2 students where it aims to reinforce the Caring and Sharing values within the family first.
Caring Deeds with Sharity™ Journal
Aligned with the Character and Citizenship Education curriculum, Primary 3 and 4 students are challenged to journal 6 caring deeds in school, communities and at home to exercise social responsibility.
The ‘Be a Sharity Star’ activity card comprises of tasks caring primarily for the environment, society, inclusive community, and elderly, where children can embark on their journey to build a caring and inclusive community this holiday season.
Every task is marked with up to three stars (), depending on its difficulty level. For tasks with an asterisk, the parent / guardian of the child can facilitate by taking a photo or video of the completed activity.
Watch the video for the instructions to complete 'Be A Sharity Star' activity card.
For more updates, follow us at @SharityClub on Facebook Instagram!
* This activity is tailored best for primary school students.
* Submission contest has ended.
What is Sharity Youth Volunteer Programme?
The Dalai Lama once said, "it is not enough to be compassionate - you must act ". Volunteerism is about helping individuals in need of support in our community and showing them that we care through actions. It is also about making
the most of your time and hidden talents while making new friends along the way.
Let's hear what Hari and Andrew from St Patrick's School have to say about their volunteering experience with Sharity!
Volunteerism is about helping others and showing that we care. It is also about making the most of your time and hidden talents while making new friends along the way.
Do you have an infectious positivity that cannot
be contained? Why not share your time and talent with us? Learn about the upcoming events and volunteer opportunities below. Volunteer now and let's have fun together!
If you are between the ages of 13 and 16
and would like to find out how you can take part in future Community Chest volunteering opportunities, drop us an email at!
Stay tuned for more
Sharity Youth Volunteers at Fu Dai 2020
On 10 January 2020, 40 students from Hougang Secondary School heeded our call for more youth volunteers and took part in our annual Community Chest Fu Dai. They spent their Friday afternoon packing festive bags (or 'Fu Dai' in Mandarin) containing food and other household necessities - which were then delivered to seniors and families in need on Saturday - and truly embodied the caring and sharing spirit of Sharity.
Sharity Youth Volunteers at Sharity Day 2019
On 14 August 2019, over 80 youth volunteers from St Patrick's School and River Valley High School played the roles of big brothers and sisters to their primary school peers at Sharity Day 2019, and found themselves spending a very meaningful day at Gardens by the Bay.
Sharity Day 2019
On August 14, Sharity and friends celebrated 35 years of Sharity caring and sharing! For the first time ever, we invited secondary school volunteers to facilitate the day and had new friends from pre-school joined us. It was great to see everyone from mainstream school and special school coming together to bond and play together!
Let's continue to Care Deeply, Share Freely and bring out the Sharity in you and me!
Watch the event highlights of Sharity Day 2019.
Sharity Day 2018
Organised by Community Chest and Gardens by the Bay, Community Chest Sharity™ Day 2018 – themed "From Caring to Inclusive” – celebrates the coming together as a community to move beyond obstacles in minds and barriers in hearts to promote inclusive play for children with different abilities and inclusion with meaningful interaction opportunities.
Students from mainstream and special education schools, corporate partners, community partners and guests were treated to a care and share musical skit, inclusive carnival games, meals and learning journey at our world class garden!
Watch the event highlights of Sharity Day 2018.
Sharity Day 2017
Organised by Community Chest Singapore and Wildlife Reserves Singapore, Community Chest Sharity Day 2017 celebrates an inclusive community comprising community partners, corporate volunteers, and students from both mainstream and special education schools.
Through meaningful interactions at a Sharity musical and guided River Safari learning journey, students and guests can play their part to build a caring and inclusive community with better social skills and disability awareness.
Watch the event video highlights of Sharity Day 2017.
Sharity Day 2016
Sharity™ goes to River Safari with some primary school students and children with special needs for a musical and a guided learning journey on 30th September 2016. Through opportunities for meaningful interaction, children of differing abilities will learn to care for animals and respect their peers and animal friends.
View the
highlights of Sharity Day 2016.
Watch the event video highlights of Sharity Day 2016.